Coronavirus: SA teacher quarantined in South Korean hospital after testing positive

South African English teacher based in Daegu, South Korea, is in quarantine after testing positive for the Covid-19 virus.

Hein Cloete, 39, has been teaching in South Korea since 2012.

His sister, Celesti Mathews, said Cloete tested positive for the virus earlier this week.

“His contract of employment had expired, and he was heading home from Daegu, where the outbreak happened. Upon arrival at Incheon International Airport, his temperature was high, and he tested positive for the coronavirus. He was then taken away and quarantineTesting

“I think our government needs to do testing for all people coming from the five top countries with the most detected cases or start refusing travellers from those countries,” Mathews said.

Government Communication and Information Services (GCIS) earlier said that 184 South Africans have indicated their desire to be repatriated from coronavirus-hit Wuhan in China.