Connie Ferguson posted a touching message for Shona on Instagram and this is what she said in her message
‘Ma Dude, this life thing is just not the same without you! I have stooped trying to understand or asking why? But nine months later , it still doesn’t feel real. My whole life feels like a dream. To say I miss you would be the biggest understatement! To go from doing absolutely EVERTYTHING with someone, and suddenly not have them there with you physically, is the most crippling feeling to say the least! Days are long , nights are long, but time seems to have stood still! its difficult to put into words how life feels without you around. I’m still learning to walk again, to smile, to laugh! Times are hard but God is very present in my life. I’m still able to get up in the morning and do what needs to be done. All glory to Him! I keep asking myself how and remember His words in Isaiah 41:10; ” So do not fear, for I am with you ; do not be dismayed , for I am your God . I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” I will continue putting all my hope and trust in the Lord , and believe His plans to give me” a hope and a future.”
So today we celebrate you my LOVE! A legend, a man who loved without reservation , whose smile lit up the world, with an echoing laugh that melted hearts! A big guy with a big heart, whose sole purpose in life, was to positively impact the lives of those he encountered, in person or remotely!
We celebrate you man of God! We glorify His name for the time spent with you! The impact you made ! The lives you touched and continued to touch! you were and truly are one of a kind! You will never be forgotten Mr. Sho! EVER! Live, Love, Leave a Legacy! That’s exactly what you did!
May you continue resting in peace my LOVE, and may your legacy live forever!