Connie Ferguson : Remembers Her Late Mother

Businesswoman and actress Connie Ferguson penned a lengthy tribute to her late mother Margaret Masilo today.

It has been nine years since she passed away, but the pain never goes away. As they say, time heals everything, but memories can never be wiped away.

In an Instagram post, The Queen star said she misses her mother every day and is grateful for her love.

“The QUEEN of my heart! ALWAYS! I can’t believe it’s 9 years already! I’ll never stop being grateful for all the love and the lessons. Love you for eternity Moms. Continue resting in peace my angel,” she wrote.

Connie’s mother passed on the 25th of July 2013. In a touching Instagram post, Connie paid tribute to her, “Moms, I will never stop loving you. Never stop missing you. I cherish all the memories I have of you.




Sometimes your physical absence doesn’t feel real. Sometimes I think it’s all a dream, that I’ll wake up to a text message from you first thing in the morning. Those were my favorite!” she wrote

She thanked her mom for her unconditional love and said she believed she is their guardian angel.

“I believe with all my being that you have been most present in your absence, that you are advocating for us on the other side, cheering us on and celebrating our successes.

I learned unconditional love from you. It’s a legacy I carry proudly in my heart, knowing that you are and will always be there.”

Whether it’s a celebration or a tragic event, Connie keeps track of important dates. In remembrance of Shona, Connie wrote a heartfelt letter on the 9-month anniversary of his death.

“Ma Dude, this life thing is just not the same without you! I have stopped trying to understand or asking why? But nine months later, it still doesn’t feel real. My whole life feels like a dream.

To say I miss you would be the biggest understatement! To go from doing absolutely EVERYTHING with someone, and suddenly not have them there with you physically, is the most crippling feeling to say the least!” wrote Connie Ferguson.

She continued “Today we celebrate you my LOVE! A legend, a man who loved without reservation, whose smile lit up the world, with an echoing laugh that melted hearts!

A big guy with a big heart, whose sole purpose in life, was to positively impact the lives of those he encountered, in person or remotely!