Connie Ferguson pens a sweet message to her gym buddy and daughter, Alicia Ferguson. Checkout pics

Connie Ferguson is a Motswana model, actor, businessman, investor, and producer from Lobatse, Botswana. Why is Connie Ferguson famous? This celebrity is well known for appearing in the popular Mzansi soap opera “Generations”, as early as 1994. She is one of the most iconic and talented people in the television industry who have been in the game for over 20 years.

She is a happily married woman and her husband is known as Shona Ferguson, they are blessed with two beautiful daughters, one of their daughters Connie had in her previous marriage. Connie Ferguson’s youngest daughter is recently celebrating her birthday and her parents showed her some love even through their social media platform.

Connie took to social media to share pictures from her daughter’s birthday celebration as she penned a sweet message for her:

“A very happy birthday to my gym buddy, my dance coach, my heart soother, my Dando, my heart, my last born, my EVERYTHING! 19! God is good!🙏🏾 May all your deepest wishes and dreams be realised my baby @ali.ferguson_ 🙏🏾 With your drive and passion, you can be absolutely anything you want to be! Happy birthday my ANGEL! I love you more that words can express!”