Connie Ferguson Pays Tribute To A Fallen Giant

Connie Ferguson took it to Instagram in order to pay a tribute about how she’s dealing with the loss of her husband. She went on to state that she misses her late husband each an every passing of the day, she wrote that today it’s going to be exactly Three months since Shona Ferguson lost his life in hospital.

She brought it to light after sharing a beautiful memory with her late husband, she still can’t believe that he’s no longer here with us. She brought it to light that over the past few months God has been blessing her with strength in order to cope without the pillar of her strength.



She went on to add that she cherish all the memories they spend together, she described her late husband as a man who had a sense of humor because most of those memories they were funny as hell.

It doesn’t get easier if you look at their relationship there’s no doubt they were soulmates they spoke the same language, they shared the same vision Connie Ferguson was the female version of Shona and Shona was the female version of Connie.

Connie Ferguson did add that she will never forget Shona Ferguson, she will always love him but she find comfort in knowing that God is in control.

Connie Ferguson shared a video on her Instagram account she is with her late husband the video is so funny I’m going to drop a link at the of this article, so that you can click on it and watch it as well.

Actress/ actors who had the privilege of working with Shona Ferguson they were also pouring in messages of support, they also miss him as well. He was a pioneer he changed the entertainment industry but one thing that is very important is that he was good person, even though he was great he was humble.
