Connie Ferguson left Mzansi speechless after what she did at the funeral

Shona Ferguson has been jailed as one of the kind that we had in this country. July 28 was one of the sad day after the news of Shona passing broke out. It was unbelievable. The man of his stature, it was very difficult to understand how did he loose his fight to Covid-19.




As he was being laid to rest on Wednesday, it was very difficult just watching the proceedings of the funeral. It was just heart breaking. Most of us only new uncle Sho from our TV screens, but his death touched the whole of South Africa if not Africa.

Watching Karabo from Generations or some would say Harriet from the Gueen, it was just emotional. For a moment it look like it did not suit her to be in that kind of a position. Sitting helpless side by side with her children, one can only imagine what she was going through.

During this time, Connie did something that touched most people as it is unusual to see someone who is mourning and burying her husband do something like that. People like her are really scares.

Her sister was at the podium speaking about the legend uncle Sho. One of the things that she talked about was how the nurses treated him in hospital. You can see that because of his status, he must have got the best treatment but it was not to be. It is not everyday where you would find nurses shaking just because they can see that they did all they can to save a life but it was not to be with uncle Sho.

She left the podium and she was crying inconsolable and Connie could not just see and watch her sister in such pain and tears. She went to her and comforted her. Through out the service, you could see that she wanted to ensure that everybody was okay when people were supposed to ensure that she is the one who is okay. She is indeed an extraordinary woman. Mzansi could not believe her strength as a widow, she made people to be emotional in such a way unimaginable. Many were lost for words after what she did.

Things will never be the same again and we hope that she will find strength to continue the legacy of uncle Sho.