Congratulations to Duncan, he is over the moon about what happened to him.

Congratulations to Duncan the Skuva, this young talented ambitious South African rapper has done it again. All of his hardwork really pays off, the things he do to his fans and followers is amazing because he engages with them every single day and they have been with him since day one. Congratulations to him for reaching 600 thousand followers on his Facebook page.





He took to his Facebook page that he is thankful for 600k followers and that he is hoping to reach one million soon. Here was his post : Congratulations are in order! 600 thousand followers is a huge number and he must be so proud of himself for this massive number, his fans and followers are so happy that their favourite rapper is growing. They have voiced out their views on this thing, they are so proud of him and they said that they will continue to be with him in the coming days. Below are the congratulatory messages from his fans and followers on his post on Facebook :