Congratulations on your pregnancy, people react after Gogo Maweni posted this pics

Gogo Maweni is a well-known South African doctor, consultant, social media influencer, entrepreneur, and television personality. Maweni once confessed to practicing and possessing witchcraft abilities. She is also believed to have bewitched her baby daddies after they failed to pay child maintenance. Maweni is famous for her lavish lifestyle and her herbal businesses. She owns a herbal store and sells jewelry known as Maweni Chakra Online. According to her Facebook profile, Maweni is mobile at Impande Ye Zulu. She is also famous for appearing in several South African TV shows.

Gogo Maweni is a mother of 3 boys, all her children are from different fathers. Gogo Maweni is married to Sabelo but they don’t have any children together. I guess it’s because she once mentioned that she doesn’t want to have any children anymore.

But people were left in shock after what they noticed in her recent post. Gogo Maweni took to social media to share pictures of herself that got people saying congratulation on her pregnancy. Below is what Gogo Maweni posted:

After this post was shared people were impressed by how Gogo Maweni was dressed, and people started complimenting her. Below are people’s comments see what they had to say after seeing her post leaving them gushing for her. But someone in the comments section commented saying congratulations on your pregnancy.

Gogo Maweni likes posts on social media, and she has never mentioned that she is pregnant. So we can’t say it’s true that she is pregnant, people are probably just speculating. But if she is pregnant is a good thing because she is married and maybe her husband wants to have a child of his own because they’ve been together for quite some time now and it’s about time Sabelo and Gogo Maweni have a child together.
