Condolences Pours In For Another Loss In The SA Entertainment Industry

Death has been visiting the South African entertainment industry quite often these past few months. Since the year 2021, there have been entertainers who have passed on, some due to natural causes, others due to horrific causes. Ever since then, the industry has not stopped reporting the deaths of some of the artists who work there, to the point where people eventually feel like a dark cloud is hanging around the industry. The industry has seen many great losses of people who will be remembered for years to come because of how they stood out. Just a few days ago, a legend like Jamie Bartlett, who died unexpectedly, was laid to rest.




And sadly, it has been reported that the radio industry has lost a legend in radio, someone who many enjoyed hearing read the news in their own native language. This person has been working in radio for so long that he is known by a certain nickname. Ukhozi FM will never be the same again after it has lost Scelo Mbokazi, known as “Umbrhishobhi”. Scelo died after suffering from a short illness that made him go in and out of the hospital. Not much has been shared by his loved ones about what the illness could have been.

When death comes unexpectedly to most houses in Visutd, it is at a time when people did not expect it to be the day that an individual would be last seen, and when people are not yet prepared to lose a loved one. This is something that happens on a regular basis, but it is one of the most depressing things that any human being can ever go through since it leaves so much agony and sorrow behind.

This is a great loss to the radio industry. Condolences poured in for his family after the news of the sad loss was shared. May his soul rest in peace.