Check Pictures Of Pretty In #SkeemSaam When She Is In Gauteng vs Turf. See What Mzansi Have Noticed

Check Pictures Of Pretty In #SkeemSaam When She Is In Gauteng vs Turf. See What Mzansi Have Noticed

#SkeemSaam is currently one of the best soapie in television. Cedric Fourie and Lerato Marabe has been making headlines in social media on #SkeemSaam. The actor Cedric Fourie popular known as Lehasa Maphosa has won viewers heard. While we have young actress Lerato Marabe who is currently playing the role of Pretty Seakamela.

Pretty Seakemela who is a daughter of MaNtuli has moved to Jorbug to stay with her boyfriend Lehasa after she choose love over her family. Many viewers has been thinking that she was making mistakes by choosing Lehasa Maphosa who has many enemies.

After seeing last episode of #SkeemSaam viewers have changed their minds after seeing the chemistry between Lehasa and Pretty. Viewers as been saying that Pretty is now looking more beautiful and glowing. Viewers has been saying that Pretty’s glow is different when she’s in Gauteng. Apparently viewers has been compering Pretty when she is in Turfloop and when she is Gauteng.

Many viewers has been saying that Lehasa and Pretty are good together and they make a great couple. Some fans has been saying that they should get married immediately before Lehasa pay Lobola to Khwezi.







Viewers have spotted that Gauteng has changed Pretty and she is starting to be bullying and rude towards Lehasa.

Check Out some of Pretty’s recent pictures since she moved to Gauteng and pictures when she is Turf. See how she look.

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