Check out why this Sangoma caused a stir on social media

Among the Zulu people of South Africa, a sangoma is a highly regarded healer who diagnoses, prescribes, and frequently carries out rites to heal a person physically, psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually.

Sangomas, also known as inyangas, are shamans, healers, priests, and prophets who have long served as the foundation of Bantu communities, particularly in Southern Africa’s rural areas.


Many sangomas/n’angas, or traditional healers, wear recognizable amulets and beadwork to assist people recognize them and their job or as protection while they are doing it. They create beadwork for anyone who believes they require assistance with certain spiritual concerns or aspects of their lives.

The Sangoma may wear straps that span his or her chest made of strips of goatskin plucked from the initiation goat.

Speaking of a Sangoma a picture of a Sangoma was posted, he was no typical sangoma, he had muscle like a body builder, this caused a stir on social media