Check out the pictures of Qaphela Ngwenya from Isibaya in real life

Abdul Khoza is a South African professional actor who is famously known as Qaphela Ngwenya.

The name Qhaphela Ngwenya is actually not his real name, but the character name he used to use when he was still playing a leading role in one of the biggest dramas in the country, Isibaya.

Below, we will explain more about Abdul Khoza, for example when he wae born, where he grew up, which dramas he appeared on and co.

The South African talented actor Abdul Khoza was born on the 14th of August 1987. At the moment, he is currently 34 years old.

He was born and grew up in the KwaZulu-Natal side, KwaMashu, a place near Durban. He also stayed in Ntuzuma, which is a also a township few Kilometers away from Durban CBD.

The 34-year old played a role in the Mzansi Magic show, Isibaya and also Nqobile.

Check out his pictures below: