Check out the pictures of Khaya Dladla in Real life.

Khaya Dladla is one of the best South African actor,he is not just an actor but he is also a role model to everyone in South Africa. He is not just an ordinary actor but he is also a Radio host on some of the popular Radio station. He inspire everyone to the proud of themselves and to be at their full potential at all time’s. He started loving the entertainment industry ever since he was still a little boy. He was born on the 3rd of April 1990. He has been hyperactive ever since he was still a child coz even now he is hyperactive, he is best described as a person who is humble and loving.










He has massive followers and they are showing him true love and support, he has achieved alot of things at an early age,he has been able to achieve things and has also set up a legacy that may take other people years to build.