Check out some transformation pictures of teenage comedian Emanuella over the years

Emanuella Samuel prominently known as Emanuella is a high school YouTube comedian brought into the world on June 22, 2010, in Port Harcourt, waterways state. She initially showed up on the 34th episode of the popular Mark Angel YouTube comedy channel at five years old. The adolescent comedian made her first into comedy when she met Mark during a family occasion. One of her well known productions was in “This Is Not My Real Face Oh”, wherein she was poking fun at a headmistress to her fellow student without realizing the student was the offspring of the headmistress. She handled a job in Disney film in 2015 and has won many honors including the Best New Comedienne and Princess of Comedy grants at the Afro-Australia Music and Movie Awards (AAMMA).





These days, the manner in which children change both in character and appearance is something that continues to move on your head. A high school VIP that has gone through an amazing change in the previous years that wowed a many individuals is Emanuella. The youthful entertainer and comedian share photos of hers via online media and a considerable lot of her fans continued to ask how quick can a kid change in such a humble. The following are a few pictures showing when she originally came into the spotlight and her new photographs via web-based media.