Check out pictures of Charleston from Diepciy in real life

Mzansi Magic’s famous serial DiepCity features Chrispen Nyathi as pious Charleston Ncube. Nyathi enjoys portraying his persona because he is always ready to pray and sing at the drop of a hat.

After receiving the Viewer’s Choice Award at the 2021 Royalty Soapie Awards for best actor, the Zimbabwean actor says he is even more confident in his work.







“As a person who has struggled with self-confidence, especially when it comes to dealing with the huge personalities I’m working with, this honor means a lot to me. This is the first time I’ve ever felt like I wasn’t good enough,” says the actor in an interview with TRUELOVE.

However, even though I could be performing better, this award has given me the validation that I’m doing well. My progress thus far suggests that I’m on the correct path. A sense of hope is given to young people who want to go into the sector, whether they’re from South Africa or Zimbabwe.

He tells us about his time playing Charleston, his future plans, and his passion in the music business.

When Asanda (played by Zikhona Bali) returns to the Diepsloot Skwatta camp, viewers will recognize him as her loving lover and a nice young preacher who is trying to save the many shattered souls that stay there. Even though he appears to be perfect, Chrispen claims that Charleston is not.

As a young Zimbabwean pastor, Charleston dreams of owning a large church in the future and serving a large congregation. In his mind, he sees himself as a pastor of a large church, doing God’s will and serving the community. Since people don’t listen to him and he succumbs to pressure easily, he uses less-than-ideal methods to win people’s hearts. “He is genuine but the pressure of life gets to him.

The two men, Chrispen concedes, are comparable in their devotion to God and the church, but he adds that Charleston lacks Chrispen’s sincerity in his devotion.

The difference between Charleston and myself, he jokes, is that I’m a true believer, whereas Charleston is more of a con artist.

That’s what I like about him: “He’s a different character than what people are used to seeing on TV.” Check out his recent pictures: