check out Lindiwe Ngema from Scandal gorgeous pictures

Check out Lindiwe Ngema from Scandal. When Nomvelo Makhanya started her role in popular etv soapie Scandal she played the role of a school girl. She was a troublesome teen who gave her parents a hard time. In an interview she once said that it was a 3 month contract but now has progressed to 9 years.






Check out Nomvelo’s stunning looks.

Nomvelo is 27 years old and She was born on the 24th of April 1996. She studied at the national school of arts. Fans got to see her character evolve from a mischievous school girl to a moving into her own flat and her work. She now is married in the soapie and fans are watching her marriage to Nhlamo crumble and secrets about her father to be revealed.