Bushiri’s Appearance Changed For The Worst Since He Lives In Malawi: “He Looks Like A Junkie“

The weather in Malawi is absolutely no joke. The sun must have really burnt Bushiri, because he looks horrible. His appearance changed drastically and he looks nothing like how he looked when he was still living in South Africa.

Luluh Mzimela posted Bushiri’s picture on her Twitter account and it trended immediately. She captioned the tweet, “Our Bushiri is starting to look like a junkie.”

Eventually, his picture was used in a meme. A meme was generated with his picture and things got out of control. The meme said, “ Malawi weather is re-decorating his glow. Now he looks like a normal their.”

He even looks like he has lost a lot of weight. He looks horrible and people are starting to get worried about the infamous prophet. Some said that it might be because is stress.

A guy said, “ But this is what Bushiri has always looked like. I don’t see any difference, he has always been ugly. TBH.”

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