Brentwood pants Looks good on ladies too, see the picture below. OPINION

Fashion ideas is that defines you as a person and your culture, recently a girl posted a picture on Twitter dressing up like a taxi driver.

Each and every person have their own style of fashion and they feel convertible in different outfits and clothes recently a girl Winton Peter and posted the pictures will she was dressing.


up or wearing like an old man people commented and show connotations because it is not usual to see a girl dressing up, like that but to be honest she was looking very good and her swag and fashion was well arranged.

Fashion is another way of expressing how you feel inside and people often wear clothes, that represent the inside feelings that is why you will meet people wearing some strange outfits .and you ask yourself what is wrong with them but later you will realise that some outfits represent how they were brought up and things that they are going through.