Bontle Modiselle gets more piercing

Bontle Modiselle gets more piercing on her face and she excitedly flaunt it on social media,

The choreographer is known to be a lover of jewelries, as she has a piercing on her nose, another for a ring nose and on her lower lip, aside her ears.

Taking to Instagram this Thursday, the star revealed 2 more piercing by the sides of her nose, and most followers gushed over her look.

“The one thing I’m most likely to do on impulse is get a piercing. I can’t tell you why except that I want to. It’s gotta be sudden though otherwise if I think about it too much, I’ll think my way out of it. On my third, definitely the last and I’m loving it ✨. And the bucket hat? I’m crazy in love. If you know me, you know why. Such an awesome gift,” she captioned post.