Bontle Modisella’s family portrait. Meet her mother. Pictures are included.

A family of all girls including their grandmother whom they consider their mother.

Their Christmas portrait is in my opinion one the best portraits uploaded by celebrities.

Their names are amongst the most talented young females in South Africa and they have definitely taken multiple industries by storm as a family.

These trio of sisters have made their mark even with such a short time of them straying their respective careers.

Talk about putting their Modisella name in the limelight and making money of course.

First it was just their grandmother, Refilwe the model and international actress who is an inspiration to many living with Albinism.

Then it was the middle child, Bontle who is the dancer of the family and a fitness freak. She is also a presenter and radio personality.

We then have Candice who is the youngest but most famous of the trio because of her role on Generations:The legacy.

Afrika is the latest addition to the family,and has taken her very first family portrait with the girls.