Bontle and Priddy Ungly’s daughter, Africa, first day of school. See pictures.

Bontle Modiselle is a dancer and tv personality. She is married to Priddy ugly, who is an artist and a dancer as well. The two love birds have the sweetest love story and their video of Defining Love had people tearing up about them.

They had a beautiful traditional marriage in 2019 and after a while they were pregnant. She announced her pregnancy with beautiful maternity pictures and Priddy released a record too.

They welcomed their baby girl, Afrika, and in 2021 and showed her face for the first time in a YouTube video on their channel, Ha Moloi. Their daughter is so beautiful with an Afro capturing her roots and following her name, Afrika.

Seems like Afrika has grown up so fast because today, 12 January 2022, was her first day of school. Bontle wrote a post explaining how teary she was when she let her go. She said that she also appreciated her husband and that she is in disbelief because only yesterday she was carrying their child in her stomach.

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