Bonga and Quabe are disappointed at South Africans after what they did watch

A few weeks ago after trying to help Bonga. Qwabe-Coutaud, who was in Indonesia at the time, shared the news with a tearful TikTok video.

“I don’t have good news. Bonga discharged himself from the rehab citing that he has to follow his spiritual calling. He was going with another patient,’’ said Qwabe-Coutaud. She said Sithole did not communicate with her about his decision.




“There is a lot at stake. Bonga has a lot going for him. He has a job waiting for him. Not one but two jobs waiting for him … I am broken. I hope that wherever he is, he’s okay.’’

After seeing this video Bonga was spotted back on the streets back to begging, which broke other people’s hearts. But some people were making fun of him saying they knew this was going to happen. There is no way a drug addict can just wake up in the morning and decide to quit drugs just like that, which is painful, how people can just lose hope in someone just like that?

Though some people have lost hope, some people still believe that he will change and they won’t give up on him. Quabe-Contaud is one of those people, she is back again, as promised that she won’t give up on Bonga, she took to Tick Toc to share that she is willing to try again and if Bonga is also willing.

But she is disappointed at people out there who are claiming to Help Bonga by taking videos of him and sharing them on Tick Toc while knowing they are doing it for the content they want to grow their account by doing this, which she thinks is wrong. She Continues to say some people out there are making fun of Bonga, she also says this is her last video with Bonga she will not post anything concerning Bonga anymore on social media. Bonga also added saying people are making this whole thing a joke forgetting that this is reality.

After seeing this clip people started commenting someone commented saying This Bonga guy love attention. He will run again and this is becoming like a movie and creating lots of attention from the public. I love the scene.

While someone commented saying All I want is for Bonga to have a beautiful and progressive life. The first step that he needs to take is for him to go to rehab.

Though negative comments were coming from people saying he will run again Quabe did mention on her video that she has done this before and it’s not always a success on the first attempt. But she will keep trying until it’s done. We are glad to have people like her who don’t give up that easily, thank Quabe for what you are doing for Bonga.