Boity’s Good Gesture.helped a tweep with money after returning R9 000 that accidentally landed in his account

Boity Thulo, the good samaritan has decided to bless a tweep who had done a good deed by returning R9 000 that was accidentally sent to him.

Read more: Boity Helps People In Need

Boity was amazed by the Tweep’s, whose name is Wandile Ntuli, honesty by returning the money as the sender needed it desperately.

Touched by his humanity Twitter applauded Wandile but Boity decided to take things further by offering him an e-wallet.

“This must’ve been tough especially during these times. I’m so glad you did the right thing. May I send you an eWallet?Boity is no stranger to helping out a stranger and changing lives all at once. She offers a helping hand to students, women, families who have been hit hard by the lockdown.