Blood & Water actress Greteli announces she’s expecting first child

Blood & Water actress Greteli de Swardt best known for her role as Reece on the Netflix Original series has announced to her legion of fans that she’s pregnant.

Greteli dropped the unexpected bombshell to Mzansi via a Tik Tok video with some of her fellow cast members.

The internationally acclaimed actress posted a recent Tik Tok which she told her co-stars that she’s got a bun in the oven.

Among the people in the video are Khosi Ngema, Natasha Thahane and Ama Qamata.

They re heard counting down to a kodak moment instead of saying ‘cheese’ for the pucture, Greteli shouts ‘say Greteli is pregnant!!’

Everyone was caught unaware and are seen jumping in joy and excitement.