Blood And Water’s Ama Qamata Reveals How She’s Doing After Testing Positive For COVID-19!

Blood And Water's Ama Qamata Reveals How She's Doing After Testing Positive For COVID-19!Blood And Water’s Ama Qamata Reveals How She’s Doing After Testing Positive For COVID-19! Gomora and Blood & Water actress Ama Qamata has revealed that she has tested positive for COVID-19.

In a video posted to her instastories, the actress shared the news with her fans in an attempt to raise awareness and advice her fans to stay home.

“I just want to take this video just to announce that I have tested positive for COVID. I feel fine, honestly I have very mild symptoms. The only thing I’m experiencing is just I can’t smell or taste anything. Other than that I feel fine,” Ama announced.

“I just to tell everyone to stay indoors if there’s no reason to leave your house, don’t. If you’re leaving your house make sure you guys sanitize, keep your distance, wear your mask and guys we’re gonna get through this. Like the saying goes….tough times never last, only tough people last so we’ll be fine,” she said.