Black Coffee Responds to Enhle Mbali’s Covid 19 Announcement

Black Coffee Responds to Enhle Mbali’s Covid 19 AnnouncementBlack Coffee and Enhle MbaliBlack Coffee has social media in uproar after a screen shot from his Instagram stories surfaced. The screenshot is alleged to be a response to his ex-wife Enhle Mbali’s Coronavirus announcement.The actress wrote a lengthy post on Instagram about her mental state and her results. The post which talked about her journey to finding herself after her divorce form the DJ.

“The last 3 years have been testing. Emotionally, physically and mentally. I have been through so many life changes and I’m grateful as the universe continues to show me my greatness , even when it was being viciously stripped away from me, and none existent finish lines were being drawn on the ground and removed just before I reach them, the spirit of hopelessness would knock at my door reminding me of my unhappiness.” read part of her post.

After her posts fans allege that Black Coffee shaded her in his Instagram stories by posting a story that said:

Enhle Mbali and Black Coffee


Enhle MbaliEnhle Mbali Maphumulo and Black Coffee