Bishop Makamu attacked for doing this

Bishop Makamu who hosts Reatsotella on Moja Love TV,m also owns a funeral parlour. Last year, the man of God trended for the wrong reasons, and his name was dragged into the mud during the sex Assault scandal of which the charges where later dropped. Despite charges being dropped, many people have lost respect for him and as a result they are always negative towards him.



Few days ago Makamu posted a picture that got people talking. In the picture a man was wiping his shoe, and the title of the post read, “Psychology says being private, staying low key and not telling everyone everything is self care”. People were too quick to attack him before trying to understand the picture well.

They say it is wrong for him to just show off that another man is wiping his shoe. They think Makamu is downgrading the man’s dignity.”Posting someone’s son, brother or son wiping your shoe in order to put food on the table, what a shameful post !”. However few people did think positively about the picture. They think maybe the guy was promoting shoe products he is selling.