Birthday wishes pour in for former president Thabo Mbeki

Former president Thabo Mbeki. File photo.The South African government also sent a message to wish him.

In a statement‚ the Congress of the People (COPE) said South Africans were enormously beholden to the huge role this State man‚ Thabo Mbeki‚ has played in the liberation of our country”

“All of us in South Africa are enormously beholden to the huge role this State man‚ Thabo Mbeki‚ has played in the liberation of our country. “On behalf of Congress of the People (COPE)‚ we wish our beloved President Mbeki good health and a very blessed future. We wish the Almighty give him many more years‚ because the country needs his leadership and wisdom more than ever before. “May the Lord pour his blessings on this beloved son of South Africa and this true and remarkable hero of the people.

“Happy birthday to you and so say all of us!” said Cope spokesman Dennis Bloem.

The ANC in Gauteng tweeted: “Today we wish former President Thabo Mbeki a very revolutionary birthday and may he see many more. Long live Comrade Mbeki – long live!” ANC yethu Sonke @todayANC tweeted: “A Happ Birthday to South Africa’s best President‚ Mr Thabo Mbeki.”

“Happy 75th birthday Thabo Mbeki. When you were president‚ the economy grew on average 4.5%. Now we only dream of those days‚” Khaya Dlanga (@Khayadlanga) said in a tweet which seemed to echo what many of those taking to Twitter felt about the former president.

Another tweet‚ from Ipaleng @ipaleng‚ read: “#ThaboMbeki. Happy bday one of the cluefull intellectual leader of our times. We pray to God to reproduce your kind in every sphere of govnmnt.”