Big Zulu drags feet on choosing boxing match date. King Monada confronts him

Recently King Monada took it to Twitter to challenge Big Zulu to a boxing match after Cassper Nyovest introduced the celebrity boxing matches. King Monada has been asking for a date for the match from Big Zulu but seems like Big Zulu was dragging feet. King Monada took it to himself to approach the Zulu artist for the date after asking for his location. King Monada posted a video of him approaching Big Zulu personal where they were seen together in the ring and King Monada was prevented from attacking Big Zulu. King Monada has been persistent about getting the date. He mentioned that he was ready for anything at anytime, he could even fight even if Big Zulu chose a date which is sudden. We hope they reach an agreement on a date so we can see the both of them in a boxing ring fighting each other, so we can see who is the better man in the ring as in music they are both doing w