Big Brother winner Mpho Wabadimo goes back home. Check more pictures from Rustenburg

Mpho Wabadimo has gone home to Rustenburg because she needed to get herself revitalized. It happens all the time as people go home for some time because they need to get more energy and continue to do what they are doing better. It is believed that you will be successful when you are visiting home. You can’t be away from home for a lot of time.





She is going to share what she has been up to from Rustenburg. She decided to share what she is doing in her lifestyle being documented. It is another way that people are doing as they are documenting their lives and it would be much better for people to know how they have had their lives. It is very beautiful and many young family members will simply know about her.


Kanye West is another person who has done it and is still doing it as with MacG from his Podcast and chill with MacG is doing it is well. It is beautiful to see Mpho Wabadimo not having to be ashamed of where she comes from. As much as she has already shared her part of life as being a traditional doctor, she does not have to keep it private because she has shared it with everyone.


Usually, when it comes to being a traditional healer, many other people do not support the idea of the traditional doctors having to expose their traditional doctor proceedings. They believe that it should be kept a secret and not be on social media. It is different for everyone, whether they are traditional doctors or not.


Mpho Wabadimo is happy and since being the winner of Big Brother, she has had a lot of successful moves and now she wants to go back home, not forgetting where she comes from. It is important not to forget where you are coming from, even though it is not a soft upbringing. It is a life story that you have experienced and not one written by someone else.