Big Brother Mzansi runner up Themba is set to host the Durban July Marquee with Tbo Touch and DJ Tira

Themba Broly has been one of the busiest people in South Africa since the end of Big Brother season 3. Themba Broly, or Ghost as his fans have come to know him, has grown in the hearts of South African entertainment lovers and has become what is called a household name.



Themba has revealed that he will be one of the main acts in the upcoming Durban July entertainment.

Durban July is back with a bang after being unceremoniously suspended due to the pandemic. This year’s event will be one to remember as all will be making up for a lost time.

Themba will be hosting the Afriteinment Marquee with the cream of the crop in the South African entertainment industry.
He shared some of the pictures from the photoshoot he did with the stars he will be hosting with.

Themba Karabo Mabaso will be with Naakmusiq, DJ Tira, Tbo Touch and Nontle Modiselle.

Big Brother Mzansi runner up Themba is set to host the Durban July Marquee with Tbo Touch and DJ Tira
Big Brother Mzansi runner up Themba is set to host the Durban July Marquee with Tbo Touch and DJ Tira. Image: Instagram/Themba
Themba has been inviting his followers on social media to buy their tickets to see him in action.

The Ghost is one of the most favourite housemates to come out of the season 3 show. His fans haven’t understood why he ended up being the second runner up and not the winner.

Thembas’ charm is undeniable, and now he is taking the showbiz industry by storm.
His crowd-pulling power has attracted necessary endorsements and opportunities; now, we see him everywhere.

Big Brother Mzansi runner up Themba is set to host the Durban July Marquee with Tbo Touch and DJ Tira
Big Brother Mzansi runner up Themba is set to host the Durban July Marquee with Tbo Touch and DJ Tira. Image: Instagram/Themba
Durban July is one of the most glamorous events in the country, and people put their best foot forward in terms of fashion. The event will occur at the Greyville Racecourse in Durban on the 2nd of July 2022.

Judging from the photoshoot, Themba and the other hosts, fashion will be the order of the day as they are all showcasing glamorous dresses and elegant suits.

Themba is just one guy whose winning streak knows no limits, and it looks like he is here to stay.