Bhuti Ka Matenase. Check what people have said on Twitter about him

Matenase has been much loved recently after he broke the internet with his Pretoria dance moves from Barcadi music. With Bhuti Ka Matenase, he has also surprised South Africans. He is dressed exactly like being a Sangoma/Nyaka and it is customary for black people. It is a surprise when it comes from a white person and he is not the only one seen.

A few other white people have been seen as traditional doctors and it has not come to a point where it is usual. Many have not yet found that it is normal. It is not expected, but it is something that you can’t block. It is not clear if he was just wearing the outfit for the love of it or if he is really a traditional doctor.

For black people, you can’t wear it for the love of it, unless you are to become a traditional doctor. It is said all the time that it will make your life difficult and you will be trapped in a life that you should not be in. That is why it is something that people don’t play around with and with much respect for it. With Bhuti Ka Matenase, it remains unclear.

He appears to be content and does not have to hide his lifestyle from anyone and something that you should appreciate with respect. But at the moment, nothing major is being reported coming from Bhuti Ka Matenase. That could be bad for being a traditional doctor or maybe for just wearing the outfit for the love of it.


What is also important is for people to be happy with what they have in their life and how they choose to enjoy it. Wherever you find happiness for yourself, that is very good and when you are having it, you will not let it go.