Berita is over the moon after spotting her mural at Matlive Business Incubation Centre in Lobengula Bulawayo.

Berita is over the moon after spotting her mural at Matlive Business Incubation Centre in Lobengula Bulawayo.

Taking to social media, she screamed, Mama I’ve made it

“Mama I made it 😭😭😭 This week my mural was unveiled at Matlive Business Incubation Centre in Lobengula Bulawayo as part of the #GirlPowerZW project which aims to uplift my hometown with positive and inspiring images of their own people!”

“I want young African girls to know that their voices matter they are the jewels of Africa cc @yvonne_chakachaka. Through my music and contribution I will continue to make strides that advocate for the economic empowerment of the female girl child,” she said.