Beautiful Pictures Of Thobile Khumalo From Uthando Nes’thembu

While dramatization on the polygamous way of life unscripted TV drama Uthando Nes’thembu is just warming up on the third season, a video of Musa’s third spouse, Thobile “MaKhumalo” Mseleku discussing the sensational way of life and how she wouldn’t encourage individuals to do it has left many people talking.















Conversing with BBC Africa, MaKhumalo clarified that she didn’t decide to be essential for a polygamous arrangement and on second thought, it picked her on the grounds that the man she experienced passionate feelings for cherished different ladies as well.

“I didn’t pick polygamy, polygamy picked me. I didn’t decide to be with my significant other yet my better half came to me,” she started.

“It was spontaneous, I never considered it and I could never want for it. In any case, it happened that the man I experienced passionate feelings for was a polygamous man. I fell head over heels for his personality. I fell head over heels for the manner in which he gets things done. I fell head over heels for the manner in which he cherishes his spouses. I experienced passionate feelings for his trustworthiness,” she said.

MaKhumalo has recently disclosed to TshisaLIVE that as a wedded lady, the idea of giving and taking and forfeiting was typical for building her family.

MaKhumalo said it didn’t mean she was requiring her satisfaction to be postponed, all things being equal, she was ready to consider everybody’s joy as it impacted her joy straightforwardly.

“I’m hitched and in any marriage, you really want to think twice about. I’m assembling a family and it is essential to realize that penances and compromises are important now and again. I esteem my family and would much prefer have individuals near my heart cheerful and calm to invest energy with me. The general purpose of a polygamous way of life is to establish a climate where we all can figure out how to be content.”