beautiful pictures of Lerato kganyago

Lerato Kganyago is a South African model, TV host, and businesswoman with a large social media following.

Her father’s name is unknown, but she has a mother named Rae. She has a strong bond with her mother, but not with her father, who was never present in her life.
















That didn’t stop her, though. She had entered and won the Miss Jam Alley pageant, brimming with ambition. She had also competed in various competitions before launching her own show, The LKG Show.

Lerato Kganyago is interested in a variety of fields in addition to presenting. She’s entered the beauty business with her own eyelash line (Flutter by LKG), as well as a sanitary product.

Just recently (a little over a week ago), on Instagram, she announced she has secured a Tammy Taylor franchise for her nail and beauty salon. As she shared online, encouraging her followers, their dreams are valid. It still feels unreal to her..

Lerato Kganyago married boyfriend Thami Ndlela in March 2020 in a traditional ceremony that had several friends in attendance. About two months after that, she had shared on social media that she and Thami had gone their separate ways.