Bantu Holomisa, Wife, Political Career, Education, And Appointments.

Bantu Holomisa is a respected and popular political figure in South Africa. He was born into a prestigious family and had the privilege of studying in a good school. Currently, he is the President of the United Democratic Movement and an MP in South Africa.

Bantu Holomisa is one of the black South African politicians born under apartheid. He is fortunate to have a father who is a chief, so he can attend regular school. His excellent skills earned him his appointment as the Chairman of the Transkei Military Council. After that, he became active in politics and has been involved in the government affairs of South Africa since independence until now.




Her full name is Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa. He was born on 25 July 1955 in Mqanduli, Transkei, South Africa. Her father is the late Chief Bazindlovu Holomisa, a former member of the Transkei Legislative Assembly. During the apartheid era, the Transkei was partitioned as the region of the Xhosa speakers in the Cape Province.

As a member of the Transkei Legislative Assembly, Premier Bazindlovu wielded immense political power which he passed on to his son Bantubonke. Currently, he is 64 years old.

-The Bantu Holomisa family:

In 1981, he married the love of his life Thunyelwa Holomisa. Both are blessed with a son Mandla Holomisa. Bantu Holomisa Jr. formerly a high-end beverage trader with a flair for luxury brands.

-His education:

He attended Ngqungqu Primary School in Mqanduli District. He then attended middle school and high school at Jongilizwe College in Tsolo. It was a school for the sons of chiefs and chiefs.

Immediately after graduating from high school, he joined the Transkei Self-Defense Forces in 1976. At this time, his friends of the same age, men, joined Umkhonto WeSizwe. Two years later, he was commissioned. He excelled in his military education and became one of the first black Africans to enroll in the Army College in Pretoria. He has completed a South African Management and Staff course.

Ten years later, he rose to the top as commander of the Transkei Self-Defense Forces. He held this position from 1987 to 1994.

-General Bantu Holomisa:

As a general, he was determined to make changes to the administrative structure of Transkei. He forced George Matanzima, Prime Minister of Transkei, to resign in October 1987. He later became Chairman of the Transkei Military Council. This was after the overthrow of Prime Minister Stella Sigcau Matanzima’s successor. Between 1988 and 1989, his government cleared more than 30 organizations that had been banned by his predecessors. He established a government that worked closely with the liberation movements. As a result, there was a smooth transition in the Transkei before the 1994 national elections.

In addition, General Bantubonke participated in the negotiations of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa as leader of the Transkei. The CODESA negotiations culminated in the 1994 election.

-His political career:

He actively participated in the 1994 democratic elections in South Africa. this was after being selected by the African National Congress to campaign alongside Nelson Mandela, Cyril Ramphosa, Thambo Mbeki, Winnie Mandela, Steve Tshwete and the late Steve Slovo. That same year, he won a majority of the votes at the ANC’s National Convention.

In 1996, the African National Congress expelled him after he testified before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He talked about unusual activities taking place in the Transkei and refused to retract his testimony. He then co-founded the United Democratic Movement with Roelf Meyer in 1997. He is currently the president of UDM.

-His appointments:

In the South African government in 1994, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism. He was one of the members elected to parliament in 1997. In addition, he was invited to be an observer in the 2007 election.