Banana Seller Breaks Both Her Legs After Mocking A Pregnant Woman

When you are going through a terrible and trying time in your life, how would you feel if someone insulted you? What if you decide not to confront your insulter but instead to pray for God to help you get through this difficult time? What would you say when you unexpectedly learn that your insulter experienced worse problems than you did.



This is the situation a pregnant woman encountered after giving birth to a happy baby girl.

But because she had a protracted labor and her baby was carried inside of her for 44 weeks, her pregnancy was anything but easy. Even worse, a banana vendor made fun of her and predicted that she wouldn’t make it through the pregnancy.

According to a report by Tuko News on Facebook, the expecting mother finally gave birth to a baby girl after a protracted labor. The fruit seller was walking on crutches, which astonished her as she passed by the stall.

She inquired, and was informed that the banana vendor had broken both of her legs after falling on a gutter. What a horrible turn of events after she made fun of and insulted a pregnant woman!