Babes Wodumo’s Last Words At Her Husband’s Funeral

Because of the events that have occurred in their personal lives as well as some of the events in the entertainment industry, the last year has shocked and broken the hearts of many people, especially in light of the number of people who have passed away this year and the number of those who ended up in hospitals fighting serious illnesses that ultimately claimed their lives.



People were shocked by the sheer number of fatalities in the entertainment sector, which led some to speculate that there might be trouble ahead for the sector. This is due to the abrupt deaths of many talented people, who were thought to still have much to offer and were therefore not intended to pass away just yet.

People were shocked by the final month of the year as well, and they claimed that when it was revealed that Mampintsha had died from a stroke, he suddenly became ill. Babes Wodumo, his 28-year-old wife, has always been a lady who has been proud about having a child in marriage and having a husband, therefore she does not want to suddenly be a widow and a single parent.

It came time for Babes Wodumo to talk about her husband and his influence on her life during the musician’s burial, which was attended by numerous members of the entertainment business. She claimed that her husband refused to give her the phone pin while he was still alive, and he passed away without her being aware of it. She continued by saying that she was aware that he had been having an extramarital affair with her and that all men cheat and act foolishly.