Babes Wodumo has taken it to social media to pay more tribute to her mother-in-law who passed away last night. Babes Wodumo shared a video of herself with Mampintsha and her mother-in-law laughing together and having a great time.
On the video that Babes Wodumo shared, Mampintsha’s mother was applying a moisturizer to her son’s feet and laughing together on the video. Babes Wodumo was still going through a process of mourning her husband, she doesn’t have anytime to deal with bad publicity that people will be bringing to her. Taking some time off on social media will be a good thing.
Babes Wodumo only shares the good times she had with her mother-in-law, because at the end of the day she will always be a grandmother to her son. People should not say anything bad about Babes Wodumo, because her mother-in-law loved her and she welcomed her to the family.