Babes Wodumo puts an end to her feud with MaGumede

Musician and reality TV show star Bongekile Simelane aka Babes Wodumo, wore a white flowy outfit and a blonde weave. She took to the podium flanked by her family and industry friends. She paused for a few minutes in front of the microphone while a song played in the background.

“To my mother-in-law, I’d like to say I forgive all your sins because I’m from a Christian family. Let’s put behind everything that has happened between us”.

Babes Wodumo said her final words before stepping off the podium and embracing her mother-in-law MaGumede. She also thanked everyone for their support and expressed her gratitude for being able to share the moment with them.

She also thanked the mourners who had been there for her throughout her journey of losing her husband and wished them all the best. With that she stepped down from the podium and went to hug and kiss MaGumede.

The rift between Babes Wodumo and MaGumede has often landed with unflattering videos with nasty exchanges between the two of them on social media.

MaGumede had previously publicly accused Babes Wodumo of disrespecting her and controlling her son. She also disapproved of the celebrity couple’s union, this led to her daughter-in-law threatening to beat her up but they eventually made up. The feud between the two officially ended on the day Mampintsha was laid to rest.