During the past few days Babes Wodumo has been trending on social media for several reasons. The Gqom superstar was also trending because of finally finding the password of her late husband’s phone Mampintsha. A number of people have been showing concerns for Babes Wodumo, as Babes has been posting things on Mamphintsha’s social media pages.
In a recent video which was posted it shows a lady who seems to have been doing something on the door of Babes Wodum’s house. In this video we hear the voice of Babes Wodumo. In this video we hear Babes Wodumo saying that Mampintsha’s sister was bewitching her, as we could also hear her saying that Mampintsha’s sister had no idea that she had cameras at her house.
However some people on social media were saying that it seemed like this lady was cleaning here, as some were saying she was doing a cleansing.
Here are some of the comments that people on social media made after seeing this video.
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