Babes Wodumo Gets Dumped By Manager Because Of Her Unprofessional Behavior

It has ended in tears for the self proclaimed Gqom Queen because she has just been dumped by her manager.

Confirming the development, Babes Wodumo’s manager Keke Mokoena claimed that her managing style was not compatible with Babes Wodumo.

Keke said this about their working relationship, “I guess my managing style is not compatible with her as an artist. Unfortunately, I can’t reveal details of our working relationship due to confidentiality clauses in our contract,”

A close employee of Babes Wodumo, who want to be anonymous, said that Babes lacks professionalism. Her lack of professionalism has completely destroyed their working relationship, prompting them to part ways.




Her manager also revealed that sue was not aware that Babes Wodumo released her EP on the 10th of December. She found out about it when the rest of the world found out.