Babes Wodumo Allegedly Banned From Attending Her Mother-in-law’s Funeral

Babes Wodumo has been taking the loss of her husband day by day, and one cannot say that she started off the new year on a happy note, especially because she lost her husband late last month, and now as young as she is and also a widow, she now has to raise her son on her own while she’s still mourning the death of her husband, which is one that has still left many people in shock. But she seems like someone who has been coping quite well, especially with her posts on social media.






She has also returned to performing and making music, which has resulted in a row of people criticising how outgoing she has been ever since the burial of her husband, when she should be at home mourning. And now not only is she mourning the passing of her husband, she is also mourning the passing of her mother-in-law, Mampintsha’s mother, who has also recently passed on after battling in the hospital.

The cause of her death has not yet been revealed, but it was known that Babes Wodumo’s mother-in-law was ill and admitted to the hospital after she was diagnosed by the doctor with a stroke last year when her son passed on, but she was also suffering from a liver illness while dealing with the loss of her son, which she was struggling to come to terms with, and also all the family drama.

The funeral announcement has been made of when Mampintsha’s mother will be laid to rest, but it has been alleged that Babes Wodumo has been banned from attending the burial. Babes Wodumo’s sister, who is also her manager, said that there are still certain personal issues between the families, which she will not reveal, but they have contacted Mampintsha’s family so that they can bring Babes Wodumo’s son to the funeral, and they agreed, which means Babes Wodumo will be attending with her son.