Ayanda Ncwane turned into laughing stock after these old pictures of her resurface on Twitter

Old pictures generally look so repulsive. This is mostly on the grounds that photography has developed from what it used to be previously.

Ayanda Ncwane is spouse of the late Sfiso Ncwane.

Pictured beneath are pictures of Ayanda Ncwane with Sfiso a couple of years prior, and another recent picture.

From the get go, the two pictures are different to the point that it’s extremely difficult to envision that it’s a similar individual, however when you move past the distinction in composition, the likeness is a piece clear.



Most remarks blamed her for blanching her skin to look lighter. Some said that she has begun shining since she’s presently a supporter for disaster protection!

Considerations? Is it safe to say that she is too unique or it’s simply the advancement of photography and time?