Ayanda Ncwane might be single and looking. See the pictures

Sfiso Ncwane the kulungile baba hit maker died few years ago but his music remains and the Royalties of his music might be still taking care of the bills of his children and widower Ayanda Ncwane. Sfiso was a great performer and and great musician of all the time.

ever since Sfiso died few years ago due to natural causes his wife have been single ever since than of which it shows respect and loyalty. But as for now it have been long and she might be looking or already having someone that she might be seeing in the meantime.Ayanda Ncwane is now working for one of the biggest life policy and insurance company by the name of clientele live, and she is working as the ambassador.Ayanda also post her stunning pictures on her Instagram page, every one can see that she is beautiful but the question is might she be single.Ayanda Ncwane is one of the most popular and influential widower in South Africa and she gets media attention and most people and fans supports her, recently she might have started a petrol company.