AWARD-WINNING actress and former newsreader Vatiswa Ndara is seeking justice.

The famous Igazi entertainer was purportedly assaulted by a companion in 2006, yet she is still left in obscurity by the equity division since opening a case a long time back.

The episode occurred in 2006, and the case was opened in 2019 at Rosebank Police headquarters IN JOBURG.


Vatiswa (52) was supposedly physically attacked by a dear companion at his home.

In her most recent book, Unfiltered Vatiswa, she said she was coming from work and had no vehicle. Therefore, she requested that a companion get her.

“I didn’t have cash for a taxi and I was unable to track down anybody to give me a lift. I called a companion to check whether he could give me a lift home. To be sure, he came and got me,” she said.

As indicated by Vatiswa, the companion had recently arrived at the air terminal from going to the late previous clergyman Stella Sigcau’s memorial service.

“He got me, however I saw as we drove off that he took a course that was not made a beeline for where I resided. At the point when I got some information about it, he said he previously needed to return home.

“He didn’t say it, yet I just expected as a spouse who had been away the entire day from his pregnant wife, he needed to determine the status of her first,” said Vatiswa.

“From our talks, I discovered that his better half was pregnant with twins, so obviously he’d need to determine the status of her prior to bringing me back home, which I intellectually cheered.”

Much to her dismay that her companion had something different as a main priority.

“At the point when we got to his home, I remained in the vehicle to try not to accept that I could simply stroll in. He returned to welcome me in and when I entered, I saw that it was calm and faintly lit. I asked him where his better half was, and he let me know she had returned home to her loved ones.

“I think he either said it was on the grounds that she was expected or there were entanglements with the pregnancy,” made sense of Vatiswa.

“In the wake of letting me in on the shortfall of his significant other and aide, he proposed to show me around his extravagant home. I chased after him until we got to a vacant room where I would encounter unfathomable injury – an infringement of my actual structure and an infringement of my soul; where I would encounter embarrassment in its most noteworthy structure; where I would encounter the dehumanizing demonstration of being assaulted.