At the memorial service, Peace between Mampitsha and Babes’ family at memorial service!

Peace has been restored between the Gumedes and the Simelane’s.

After Mampintsha’s funeral Babes Wodumo attacked Mampintsha’s family. She further accused Mampintsha’s sister, Pinky of bewitching her.

But now the Gumedes and the Simelane’s are one big family.


On Friday, 20 January Babes Wodumo flanked by her mother, and sister Nondumiso Simelane attended the memorial service for Mampintsha’s mother, Zamanguni Gumede.

During the memorial service they sat together held hands sang and celebrated Zamanguni’s life.

Sphindile Zondi said: “My friend was a good dancer. We grew up together, went to school together and grew up together. She had style and she was very creative. We had our good times together. But what I like is that in her last days she called all her children and grandchildren and said her good byes.”

Thabsie Mbele, her neighbour described her as a woman’s of many talents.

“She used to sew. She was a good dancer, Mampintsha learned his dancing skills from his mother. Today I’m wearing one of her designs,” said Thabsie.The funeral is on Saturday,21 January from 9:00 am at KwaMashu L hall.