Congratulations to Sydney Kapembwa. He married two women last year. Both of them love him. He also love them equally. This is very important. He is only 23 years of age.
At 23 this man allegedly married two women at the same time
I think the most important thing here is for a man to know his bag, is for a man to know his pocket, and is for a man to know his financial strength. Everything in this world needs money. Money is very important in marital life and especially in this scenario. lf he can be able to take care of these two women, then it is fine.
It only becomes a problem and a mess when someone does this at such a young age, but make these ladies to live in poverty. So I believe that he has calculated how much he can afford and how much burden he can carry and he saw himself fit to take these two women. I wouldn’t discourage it considering his age because you never know when did he become matured. Maturity has got nothing to do with how old is the person, but it has got something to do with how the person thinks, congratulation brother.