Asavela Mqokiyana left fans mushy with recent post

Money and fame don’t change people. People change because they want. We have so many people who grew up without money and now they have money but they are still very humble. It is a matter of how one was raised. Money is just an added advantage.




Living a humble and carefree life pays off. Just being at peace with your surroundings and those around you. Asavela Mqokiyana is an actress who is currently starring on Durban Gen after previously having stared on Isibaya and Abomama. She’s happily married and is enjoying the farm life. She always shares on her instagram account her life at the farm and how she is enjoying there.

She shared a picture of herself in her makoti outfit with an old man next to her. The picture had her fans gushing over her and how down to earth she is. Anyone who knows her knows that she lives her life how she wants it.