Arthur Mafokate “steal” Millions of Rands meant for the poor.

Arthur Mafokate has allegedly dipped his hands in the cookie jar meant for the poor.

These revelations were meant today by fellow musician, Sello “Chicco” Twala, who claims Mafokate has been receiving money meant for struggling artists.

Chicco Twala Calls out Arthur Mafokate in an open letter he penned today. It was publicised all over Twitter and Facebook today.

Twala, letter describes how Arthur has been defrauding the NAC Covid relief funds which was set up by the Minister of Arts, Culture and Sports, Nathi Mthetwa.

During its inception, the fund was to aid artists and those in the entertainment industry whose incomes have been affected by the coronaviris pandemic.

Twala alleges that Mafokate had been paid Millions and not a portion as it was supposed to be, therefore leaving hundreds of artists to scramble for change.

He further Alleges that Mafokate has also used different companies and names to apply for the fund.

Twala pointed out that he and Mafokate had made substantial amount of money during their music days and that Mafokate should stop being greedy and leave those struggling to benefit from the relief fund.